Microsoft Charity?

Did anyone see on the news (BBC) on Monday 18th August about Microsoft employees?

Basically, it was these people who had worked at Microsoft and made millions in a few years, and were now being really generous and setting up schemes to allow children to have access to technology, etc.

Oh yes, aren't Microsoft just so wonderful?

So, since it's the employees doing this off their own back, and not Microsoft as a company, presumably there must be other people who have worked for other companies (Motorola, Digital, and large PC companies). But if there were, we didn't here about them, not even a quick mention. It's like they don't exist.

Well, I think it's a sad state of affairs that Microsoft has twisted things so that everyone believes it's them and only them who does everything; I don't mean so much domination of PCs, as there are plenty of other companies associated with it, more so the domination of Windows and everything MS associated.

Oh well,
